"The World’s Most Influential Leadership Expert"
2019 Horatio Alger Award Winner
The Developing the Leader Within You Online Course will help you go deeper with your journey toward becoming bigger on the inside than you are on the outside. This content is designed to challenge you to look at how you lead yourself before you lead others.
The Leadershift Online Course will help you learn the necessary shifts to developing agility in your daily leadership. This content is designed to shed new light on developing sustainable, future-focused leadership. It is a fresh call to action in the world of leadership, and John is excited for the impact it will have on the next generation of leaders.
The 15 Laws of Growth Online Class is a virtual course with leadership expert Dr. John C. Maxwell who has had proven success helping millions of people within leadership, people development and self development. This online class is an immersive experience into The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth and explores the foundational principles that guide successful people.
The How Succsessful People Think Online course will teach you to be the leader in the room that people wait to hear from. Who thinks DEEPLY and QUICKLY at the same time. Someone who can offer clear, strategic thoughts that drive better results than you’re getting today.