There’s a myth about highly talented people—that they are simply born that way. Here is what I know: you reach your potential when you are willing to practice. And not just practice often, but practice effectively. That’s because you play to the level at which you practice. Consistently good practice leads to consistently good play.…

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In his blog post this week, John Maxwell talked about transformational leadership. I love this topic. Helping others become transformational in their leadership lights a fire in me like nothing else does. John is right in saying, “We need men and women who are committed to take action in order to make a difference in…

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What happens when you don’t prepare? Take a minute to think about it—and be honest with yourself. In my leadership, the results of being unprepared are predictable. Things I hoped wouldn’t happen do happen—and occur with greater frequency than the things I hoped would happen. The reason is simple: being unprepared puts me out of…

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All great leaders read. And I’m not talking about skimming through the newspaper each morning over coffee. I’m talking about devouring knowledge! Did you know that the average American only reads one book a year? Compare that with the fact that the average CEO reads four to five books a month. Some of the most…

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Asking personal leadership questions is one of the most powerful and effective things you can do to improve your life, your leadership, and your organization. Great self-accountability questions often stem from a difficult situation in our lives. As people, our natural tendency when dealing with a challenge of some kind is to become frustrated. That…

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There’s a hunger for leadership in the world today like never before. People have looked to Hollywood, sports figures and politics, all in hopes that leadership will show itself. We’ve all been disappointed in places of business, or faith, or Wall Street. And this has generated confusion about what leadership really means. This hunger produces…

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Dear Leader: You can’t make it on your own. That’s not a putdown—it’s a reality. The bigger your goals, the more help you’re going to need in reaching them. John Maxwell says, “The definition of a nightmare is a big dream and a bad team.” That’s why I believe the most important member of any…

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When you think of servanthood, what comes to mind? Do you envision a person at the bottom of the totem pole performing a so-called “menial” task for someone else’s benefit? If so, then you have the wrong impression. Servanthood is not about position or skill. Servanthood is about attitude. We’ve all encountered people in service…

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What is the key to going to the next level as a leader? Great question, but one that some people might struggle to answer. Perhaps let me state in a more familiar way—what is the greatest obstacle you will face once you have begun achieving your goals and tasting success? I believe it is the…

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