Leading difficult people: Disorganized Debbie
Do you know anyone who’s always busy but never seems to get anything done? Maybe this person works for you. How do you lead someone who’s motivated and a doer, but still doesn’t contribute any meaningful results? Meet Disorganized Debbie. She works hard and wants to succeed. Unfortunately, she looks like a rocking horse: always…
Read MoreLeading difficult people: Excited Eddie
I love spending time with enthusiastic people. I’m pretty high-energy myself. An enthusiastic follower can be a joy to work with. His excitement about his work has the potential to energize the entire team. With one exception. Let’s talk about Excited Eddie. He’s got loads of enthusiasm for his work, but only to a point.…
Read MoreLeading difficult people: Slumped Susan
Here’s a truth that I’ve believed for a long time: Leadership is influence. Nothing more, nothing less. If a leader has no one following, he’s only taking a walk. Of course, not everyone is easy to influence. Some followers are difficult to connect with. Last week we talked about the art of influencing difficult people,…
Read MoreLeading difficult people: Fearful Fred
Someone once said, “90% of the art of living consists in getting along with people you cannot understand.” Haven’t you found that to be true? I know that if everyone were just like me, then relationships would sure be a lot simpler. But people ARE different, in wonderfully complex ways. And there IS an art…
Read MoreWhich comes first? Position or preparation?
When I meet people in social settings and they ask me what I do for a living, some of them are intrigued when I say I write books and speak. And they often ask what I write about. When I say leadership, the response that makes me chuckle most goes something like this: “Oh. Well,…
Read MoreOne Word — One Minute
I’m a communicator, so words are very important to me. They can teach, inform, rebuke, compel, and encourage. In short, words can change people’s lives. Aldous Huxley said, “Words form the thread on which we string our experiences.” I believe that with all my heart. Effective communication plays a critical role in every person’s life…
Read MoreLeaders: Relate before you equip
All good mentoring relationships begin with a personal relationship. As your people get to know and like you, their desire to follow your direction and learn from you will increase. If they don’t like you, they will not want to learn from you, and the equipping process can slow down or even stop. To build…
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