Like everyone else who blogs, I thought January would be a great time to share a post that will help you set your course for the coming year. But while others write of “must-dos” and “should-dos”, I’d like to encourage you to consider something different. Meant-to-do. As in, What are you meant to do? It’s…

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What is the key to going to the next level as a leader? Great question, but one that some people might struggle to answer. Perhaps let me state in a more familiar way—what is the greatest obstacle you will face once you have begun achieving your goals and tasting success? I believe it is the…

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The most popular question John Maxwell receives when he is on the road speaking and coaching is: “How do I become successful?” John’s reply usually goes something like this: “You cannot achieve what you have not defined.” John’s response is designed to help the questioner begin the journey to discovering his or her purpose. John…

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Questions have power. Think about the power of simply asking, “Why?” Bernard Baruch said, “Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton was the only one who asked why.” Thank God for Isaac Newton! But what about the millions who saw the apples fall and never asked why? What kept them from asking the question? Have…

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There is nothing more challenging than following a leader who feels stale. Have you experienced this? Maybe you follow a leader who feels like his/her best days are behind them and there is nothing exciting about the future. Or maybe you have felt this in yourself at times. Keeping a fresh perspective is absolutely necessary…

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