Ask no more of others than you ask of yourself
According to noted medical missionary Albert Schweitzer, “Example is not the main thing in influencing others … it is the only thing.” Part of creating an appealing climate to grow potential leaders is modeling leadership. people emulate what they see modeled. Positive model – positive response. Negative model – negative response. What leaders do, potential…
Read MoreFinding the "want to"
Many years ago, I read about a survey of workers in the United States, who were asked if they could work harder on the job than they currently were. 85% of those surveyed said that they could. And more than half claimed that they could double their effectiveness “if I wanted to.” I don’t know…
Read MoreLevel Up Week 9: Communicate
Well, March has arrived, and with it the end of our Level Up study of The 5 Levels of Leadership. (Just finding out about it? You can still do the study! Just click HERE to go back to Week 1.) My team and I are curious about how this project worked for you. We’d appreciate…
Read MoreLevel Up, Week 8: Evaluate
Welcome to Week 8 of our group study of The 5 Levels of Leadership. This week we’re wrapping up the study and preparing to apply it to our lives. The greatest danger in doing a study like this one is that it becomes a project, rather than a process. A person might work on it…
Read MoreLevel Up, Week 7: The Pinnacle
Welcome to Week 7 of our group study of The 5 Levels of Leadership. This week we’re studying Level 5, The Pinnacle. The difficulty with teaching this level is that Level 5 leaders are just not very common. Until now, you’ve spent your time nudging group members to reach for the level being discussed. But…
Read MoreLevel Up, Week 6: People Development
Welcome to Week 6 of our group study of The 5 Levels of Leadership. This week we’re studying Level 4, People Development. As I wrote in the chapter, people development enables a leader to lead larger. In other words, when you have leaders working with you, they accomplish much more than non-leaders do. However, developing…
Read MoreLevel Up, Week 5: Production
Welcome to Week 5 of our group study of The 5 Levels of Leadership. This week we’re studying Level 3, Production. This is the week when the task-oriented members of your group will probably understand the topic intuitively and wonder how anyone could miss the value of production. And the people-oriented individuals might be tempted…
Read MoreLevel up, Week 2: Where do you go from here?
Welcome to Week 2 of our group study of The 5 Levels of Leadership! Last week, we hit the ground running, with a challenging assignment to read the introduction and complete the leadership assessment in just seven days. In this week’s meeting, your goal as leader is to learn where every member of the group…
Read MoreLevel up, Week 1: Finding your starting point
Welcome to Week 1 of our group study of The 5 Levels of Leadership! I’m excited to join you in this journey! Each week, we’ll tackle a section of the book, with insights, discussion questions, and an assignment. If you’re leading a group, you can use the section labeled “Facilitator’s Guide” to lead group discussion.…
Read MoreGreatness cannot be locked up
Hello from Harare, Zimbabwe! For the past few days, I’ve been speaking on leadership in cities in Zimbabwe and South Africa. It’s been a wonderful trip, with audiences hungry to grow. And I’m grateful to my host, Dr. David Molapo. He’s taken care of every detail. But today I want to tell you about something…
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