put your dream to the test
Destiny calling? Let VISION be your guide
What is your destiny? Where will you be in five years? Or 10, or 30? Of course, no matter how hard we search, no one can answer that question with certainty. But while we can’t know our destiny, we CAN know and change our direction. The journey toward destiny always begins with VISION. Vision is…
Read MoreLeadership answers; no waiting!
Three weeks ago, here and on Twitter I sought your input on books that you’d like to see from me in the future. Within minutes, the comments here and the replies on Twitter came pouring in. And when we finally compiled all of your responses, we had close to 30 pages of ideas. So many…
Read MoreChatting with Dave Ramsey about dreams and financial peace
My trip to Asia is still going well. I’m in Shanghai, China for the next few days. Thank you for the prayers, kind thoughts, and warm welcomes you’ve sent my way. But for today’s post, here’s an interview I did last month (May 12) with my friend Dave Ramsey for his TV show on Fox…
Read MoreGreetings from Asia!
It’s Monday evening here in Manila, Philippines. I arrived on Sunday, and since then I’ve been adjusting to the time difference and revisiting the wonderful culture and cuisine here. Although I wasn’t too disappointed to be greeted at the airport with… Krispy Kreme Donuts! Yes, my hosts met me with a box of Krispy Kremes.…
Read MoreImagination: Your ticket to a dream
In only a few days, I’ll be boarding a plane to fly halfway around the world, where I’ll have the privilege of teaching in the Philippines, China, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, and Malaysia. This kind of work is a dream come true for me. Of course, the scope is much larger than I originally imagined. But…
Read MoreAny dream worth considering is worth evaluating (and Tweeting?)
Today’s post is an excerpt from my book, Put Your Dream to the Test: 10 Questions that Will Help You See It and Seize It. I hope it’s helpful to you in your pursuit of your dreams. Know the Answers Before You Take the Test When you were a kid in school, do you remember…
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