Welcome to Week 5 of our group study of The 5 Levels of Leadership. This week we’re studying Level 3, Production.
This is the week when the task-oriented members of your group will probably understand the topic intuitively and wonder how anyone could miss the value of production. And the people-oriented individuals might be tempted to devalue production as not relational enough.

The truth is that leaders need both aspects of leadership if they’re going to advance and grow. Production needs to be emphasized this week, because it’s the foundation of teamwork and gives a leader credibility. People have more reasons to follow because the team gets things done and succeeds– more than just a connection to the leader. Leadership without results ultimately doesn’t keep followers motivated. But if you have a vision that you’ve articulated and are modeling, your followers will embrace it and continue the journey with you.


Level 4: People Development, pages 179-228 (We will discuss this reading assignment in NEXT WEEK’s post.)

DISCUSSION (Facilitator’s Guide)

1. (Icebreaker) Tell about something you made or created during your formative years that you were especially proud of.

2. What’s the difference between a producer and a production-level leader?

3. How do you balance remaining productive and leading others at the same time?

4. What’s the benefit of having earned permission on Level 2 before pressing to get work done on Level 3?

5. Why do you think the book says that leadership production is the foundation for team-building?

6. When you get into production mode, do you find yourself neglecting Level 2 Permission? If so, how do you change that?

7. Which of your talents, skills and strengths provide the greatest contribution to the team on Level 3? Would others on your team agree with your assessment? Why or why not?

8. When it comes to modeling, how do the leader’s actions impact the team, either positively or negatively?

9. In what kinds of leadership situations is it worth risking relationships in order to achieve productivity? What are your criteria for making those judgments.

10. Now that you have read about Permission and Productivity, in which area do you most need to grow? What will you do differently to become a more effective leader?


Think about the vision, mission, or objectives of the department or organization that you lead. Define that as clearly as you can. Then take some time  to evaluate each person on your team and the talents, skills, strengths that they could contribute to that vision.

(If you do not currently lead anyone in the workplace, then apply this to your family or volunteer situation.)

Create a strategy for how all those different skill sets could work together to achieve the vision. Keep in mind how the individual personality traits or life experiences of the people involve could hinder or enhance their ability to contribute. Your goal as the leader of your team is to know what needs to be accomplished, know the individual contributors, put everyone in the best place to succeed, and help them overcome personal as well as professional obstacles to succeed.  (No, it’s not easy. But that’s why not everyone wants to lead.)

With that game plan in hand, start working toward implementing it.

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