Posts Tagged ‘Change’
Do I Believe The Best In Others?
Do I believe the best in others? This is a question that I’ve been asking myself a lot lately. Because believing the best in others is not something to be assumed; you must be intentional in checking the lens you’re looking through when viewing others. John Maxwell teaches a simple exercise to help cultivate the…
Read MoreDoes Love Work as a Leadership Principle?
As I stumbled for my alarm at 3:00 a.m. on my first day on the job as a street washer, I wondered what I was getting myself into. CBS had asked my company to participate in its hit reality show Undercover Boss. As the CEO of Herschend Family Entertainment (HFE) at that time, I’d agreed…
Read MoreThe Movement is Moving–Are You With Us?
Have you ever had a dream come true? Maybe it was a desire to marry or have children; maybe it was to launch a successful business. Maybe your dream was to write a book or take a trip to a distant country. Maybe your dream was big, maybe it was small, but regardless, you had…
Read MoreOne More Chance to Join the Movement
Today is a historic day for the United States of America; for the 59th time in our country’s history, we inaugurated a new president and vice-president, and began another chapter in our leadership history. As is common for inaugurations, there were a lot of words spoken about where our country finds itself and where the…
Read MoreThe Value of a Mile
Since January 1 I’ve been walking one mile a day. It’s part of our Transformathon—which ends later this month with an amazing 5K walk that I’ll be live-streaming from two different locations—but it’s also part of my health routine. When Covid hit last year and my travel schedule suddenly opened up, it didn’t take me…
Read MoreHow You (Yes, You!) Can Change the World
If I told you that the fate of the world rested on your shoulders, how would you respond? Would you take an action hero approach and confidently declare that you will handle it? Would you shrink from the responsibility and pass it on to someone else? Or would you simply shake your head, look me…
Read MoreFour Tests of Your Leadership
We’re already in the middle of August, and as the calendar tips toward Fall, there’s still a lot of coronavirus challenges to deal with. Maybe you’re tired of reading about it, or maybe you’re tired from having to live through it—either way, this is certainly a season that puts everyone to the test. Especially leaders.…
Read MoreThe Future Is Now – Are You Ready?
One of the attributes of a leader is the ability to see more and before others see. If it sounds like a leader should be able to see the future, that’s exactly the point. Leaders need to be attuned to the world around them—everything from the market to the culture at large. In 2018, I…
Read MoreWhat Crisis Leaders Do Well
Yesterday, I shared a brand-new teaching on Facebook about what the best leaders do well during a crisis. As we all find our way through these rapidly changing times, I’m committed to sharing my thoughts with you as often as I can and using every tool at my disposal to provide practical teachings that help…
Read MoreThree Ways to Defeat Distraction in Times of Crisis
Last week, during our Maxwell Leadership Virtual Summit, my very first lesson was on leading during a crisis. If you haven’t seen the video, I want to recommend you set aside some time and watch it on YouTube. It’s full of practical teaching designed to help you navigate our current situation. This week’s blog post…
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