Posts Tagged ‘failure’
Mark Cole: The Difference Between Average and Achieving
Do you know people that are just a little bit better than everyone around them? Have you ever wondered what their secret is? It reminds me of a scene in the movie Space Jam, starring Michael Jordan, where the Tune Squad is losing by a large margin at halftime and go into the locker room…
Read MoreThe Relentless Pursuit of Improvement
Over the past few weeks, as my work has carried me everywhere from Peru to Paraguay to a weekend away with Margaret to celebrate 50 years of marriage, I’ve been reflecting on my personal journey of improvement. It’s no secret that I believe growth is the only guarantee that tomorrow will be better. It’s no…
Read MoreBounce Back from Your Setback
Do you know any rubber-band people? Chances are you do. They’re the people who, no matter what happens to them, always seem to bounce back. They may experience an illness, a family tragedy, or a run of bad luck, but it never seems to keep them down. Life can stretch them to their breaking point,…
Read MoreWhat Successful People Know About Winning
My friend Robert Schuller once asked, “What would you attempt to do if you knew you wouldn’t fail?” That’s a great question, an inspiring question. When most people hear it, they start dreaming. They are motivated to reach for their goals and to risk more. I have a question that I think is just as…
Read MoreHow Do You Become a Successful Failure?
“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” – Thomas A. Edison Nobody likes to fail. But if we’re honest, we understand that failure is a part of life. There is no success without some amount of failure. Great inventors like Thomas Edison experience a lot of failures on the way…
Read MoreSometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn for Teens
When I decided to adapt my 2013 book Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn for a teen audience, I was excited about adding ideas and illustrations that teens would relate to. And it was a fun and insightful process. In the book, which releases this week, you can find stories about people like championship surfer…
Read MoreWhy Losses Hurt So Much
When I adapted Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn for Teens (February 24), I wanted to make it conversational in a way that would appeal to a teen or preteen. And I decided to make it more interactive, with sections for journaling and even Q and A with me. Here is another excerpt from the…
Read MoreHow to Turn a Loss into a Win
What an exciting project I got to do last year! For the first time ever, I got to adapt and rewrite one of my books for a new audience: Teens. The book is Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn for Teens, and it comes out this month – on February 24. Created just for teen…
Read MoreLook Back to Plan Forward
Happy New Year! What did you do to welcome 2015? Throw a party? Toast at midnight? Spend time reflecting on the past year and creating a plan for making the most of the new one? Researchers have discovered that transitional times (like the new year, or the beginning of a season) naturally motivate us as…
Read MoreThe Importance of a Spirit of Humility
Some people fail forward. Others fail and quickly spiral downward. These two types of people are very different, but how? “The difference is on the inside. It’s the spirit of the individual. Those who profit from adversity possess a spirit of humility and are therefore inclined to make the necessary changes needed to learn from…
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