Posts Tagged ‘Future’
Four Signs of a Leader of Hope
On my podcast this week, I shared something with Mark Cole and our listeners that I don’t often share publicly. As I look around at our world today, there’s a certain feeling that comes over me, one that I don’t experience often, and I can’t help but bring it to you as we talk about…
Read MoreThe Future Is Now – Are You Ready?
One of the attributes of a leader is the ability to see more and before others see. If it sounds like a leader should be able to see the future, that’s exactly the point. Leaders need to be attuned to the world around them—everything from the market to the culture at large. In 2018, I…
Read MoreMark Cole: A More Brilliant Future
The first half of 2020 hasn’t been what anyone expected. In fact, the challenges of the past few months have left many people wondering if the world will ever break free from this season of hardship. There are signs that things are getting better, but many people remain skeptical about the future and whether or…
Read MoreMark Cole: Responding to Setbacks
With the rapid spread of COVID-19 across the world, leaders of all kinds are being challenged to lead in uncertain times. What we’ve experienced over the last few weeks, specifically in the United States, is absolutely unprecedented. There aren’t many events in history that compare to the difficulties this pandemic has presented. The setbacks have…
Read MoreLeading Through Frightening Times
I’ve often said there are no two consecutive good days in the life of a leader. It’s a statement designed to get people’s attention, and it usually does—I often have a lot of people wanting to follow up with me after I’ve shared it during a teaching. What it boils down to is this: the…
Read MoreMark Cole: Clear Vision
In his book, The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader, the final quality John Maxwell describes is vision. While other 20 qualities help us understand a leader’s make up, it’s the final quality that helps us understand what makes a leader attractive. Without vision, a leader cannot lead. It is the quintessential piece of leadership.…
Read MoreMark Cole: Success Begins With Purpose
The most popular question John Maxwell receives when he is on the road speaking and coaching is: “How do I become successful?” John’s reply usually goes something like this: “You cannot achieve what you have not defined.” John’s response is designed to help the questioner begin the journey to discovering his or her purpose. John…
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