Posts Tagged ‘goals’
Your Greatest Gift as a Leader
At 71 years old, I don’t need many gifts at Christmas. I have a good home, a good family, a good team, and my life has never been more fulfilling than it is right now. The opportunities I’m seeing for partnerships and transformation are greater now than at any other time in my life. Now,…
Read MoreMark Cole: Success Begins With Purpose
The most popular question John Maxwell receives when he is on the road speaking and coaching is: “How do I become successful?” John’s reply usually goes something like this: “You cannot achieve what you have not defined.” John’s response is designed to help the questioner begin the journey to discovering his or her purpose. John…
Read MoreGreat words on goal-setting
As we approach the end of January, a time when you might begin to feel discouraged about lack of progress toward your New Year’s Resolutions, I’d like to share some of my favorite quotes on goals and planning. If we want to succeed with our resolutions, we need to make them measurable and attainable. Breaking…
Read MoreIt all comes down to what you do daily
How would you describe your life? Are you achieving what you desire? Are you accomplishing the things that are important to you? Do you consider yourself a success? How do your prospects look for the future? If I could come to your house and spend just one day with you, I would be able to…
Read MoreLook Back to Plan Forward
Happy New Year! What did you do to welcome 2015? Throw a party? Toast at midnight? Spend time reflecting on the past year and creating a plan for making the most of the new one? Researchers have discovered that transitional times (like the new year, or the beginning of a season) naturally motivate us as…
Read More9 Ways to Lead Your Leader
360-Degree Leaders are all-around leaders. As one, leading up can be the greatest challenge. “Most leaders want to lead, not be led. But most leaders also want to have value added to them. If you take the approach of wanting to add value to those above you, you have the best chance of influencing them.”…
Read MoreThe Influence Question: Will You Grow or Plateau?
Seldom does someone consciously choose to stop growing. Yet we all know people whose influence has leveled off or gone into decline. Why do hard-working, well-intentioned leaders plateau? How can people ascend the levels of influence throughout their careers, but then suddenly stop climbing? About five years ago I facilitated an all-day roundtable with 15…
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