In today’s culture, multi-tasking seems to trump the age of the craft. While multi-tasking can be beneficial, it can also move us away from focusing on what is important. “Focus does not come naturally to us, yet it is essential for anyone who wants to make the most of his talent. Having talent without focus…

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This week we began a series on our blog highlighting how going beyond talent can propel leaders forward. We started by explaining “How Belief Lifts Talent” through the lens of Tim Tebow. Today, we’re focusing on how “Initiative Activates Your Talent” based on the innovation and contribution of Apple, Inc. In 1980, Apple Co-Founder Steve…

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“What is the one thing I really need to know about leadership?” I’ve heard this question dozens of times from people eager to be influential but impatient with the slow road of diligent study and personal growth. My response never quite seems to satisfy them: “The one thing you need to know to become a…

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As a communicator, perhaps nothing is worse than scanning the audience halfway through a presentation only to see people fiddling with smartphones, fidgeting in their chairs, or—worst of all—falling asleep in a puddle of drool. If someone had filmed my life, my communication blunders and mistakes could be turned into hours of humorous outtakes. Learning…

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After another masterful performance in Lincoln, Daniel-Day Lewis has an opportunity to capture his third Academy Award for Best Actor. He has been hailed as the greatest actor alive, and his peculiar style of method-acting has become somewhat legendary. The charisma he brings to the screen instantly transports moviegoers into his character’s world. The manner…

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