Posts Tagged ‘People’
Mark Cole: Do For Others What They Can’t Do For Themselves
Christmas is my favorite time of year. I could list many reasons why, but the main reason that it is my favorite is because it is because it is built on giving. It’s built on generosity. And it got me thinking about my own life and the people around me. How am I spreading generosity…
Read MoreYour Greatest Gift as a Leader
At 71 years old, I don’t need many gifts at Christmas. I have a good home, a good family, a good team, and my life has never been more fulfilling than it is right now. The opportunities I’m seeing for partnerships and transformation are greater now than at any other time in my life. Now,…
Read MoreMark Cole: Busy is a Four-Letter Word
It’s the most wonderful time of the year, right? That time of year when people are busier than ever preparing for family visits, fighting crowds at the mall, wrapping presents, finishing projects, and setting goals, all while trying to bake fruitcakes for neighbors. Our lives are busy with so much still to be done. And…
Read MoreBe a Giver
We’re nearing Christmas, and everywhere you look, there are advertisements encouraging you to think about the people on your gift list. Whether it’s your spouse, your children, a parent or a co-worker, there’s a lot of emphasis placed on giving just the right gift. As a result, people are cheerfully—and busily—shopping to put a smile…
Read MoreMark Cole: How to Grow Your Influence
If your life in any way connects with other people, you are an influencer. My good friend Tim Elmore shared an amazing statistic with me several years ago that I’ve never forgotten. Sociologists tell us that even the most introverted individual will influence 10,000 people during his or her lifetime. Everyone influences someone! That means the question we…
Read MoreThe Leadership Reproduction Cycle
The end of the year is almost here, and I know that many companies are going through the same season as my team at The John Maxwell Company: annual reviews. This is the time of year when our leaders sit down with their team members and go over PPFs for the past 12 months: Personal,…
Read MoreThree Steps to Generosity
This week, America will celebrate the holiday of Thanksgiving—a day set aside to be grateful for everything from family to food to faith. While people celebrate in different ways, the point of the holiday is to stop for one day and reflect on the abundant blessings we have. It’s also the official kick-off to the…
Read MoreLeading in Polarized Times
Lately, it seems as though people are dividing themselves into categories, drawing lines between themselves and others that are increasingly harder to cross. All over the world, we are now defined largely by what separates us. As a leader, this makes for a challenging culture to navigate. One of the biggest responsibilities we have is…
Read MoreMark Cole: If You Want Answers, Ask Questions
Questions have power. Think about the power of simply asking, “Why?” Bernard Baruch said, “Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton was the only one who asked why.” Thank God for Isaac Newton! But what about the millions who saw the apples fall and never asked why? What kept them from asking the question? Have…
Read MoreMark Cole: What Every Leader Needs to Know
The foundation for every leader is his or her ethical standards. That’s why one of the most helpful books I know of for any leader is Ethics 101: What Every Leader Needs To Know. I have recommended it countless times because it’s imperative for leaders to know and understand ethical standards. In the book, John…
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