What is the key to going to the next level as a leader? Great question, but one that some people might struggle to answer. Perhaps let me state in a more familiar way—what is the greatest obstacle you will face once you have begun achieving your goals and tasting success? I believe it is the…

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It’s the most wonderful time of the year, right? That time of year when people are busier than ever preparing for family visits, fighting crowds at the mall, wrapping presents, finishing projects, and setting goals, all while trying to bake fruitcakes for neighbors. Our lives are busy with so much still to be done. And…

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Have you ever noticed how small children spend a lot of time talking about “one day”? “One day, I’ll be big enough to ride that ride.” “One day, I’ll be able to make my own decisions.” “One day, I’m going to have a pony.” When you’re a small child, you want to be a big…

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What is your favorite time of year? Is it Christmas? Is it when you celebrate your birthday? Or when flowers bloom in the spring? Maybe it’s your summer vacation. Or when the children go back to school. Or the beginning of football season. Or when the leaves change. When is it? I can tell you…

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Today I’m excited about the release of my newest book, JumpStart Your Growth. Part of my “JumpStart” series, this book is designed to help anyone take small positive steps every day for 90 days, to experience real and lasting personal growth. As a reader of this blog, you are probably already an avid seeker of…

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Today, I’m going to do something unusual. I’m going to ask for your help in giving a title to an exciting new workshop that The John Maxwell Company has developed. But first, I want to tell you a story about titles. People often ask me questions about the books I’ve written and how I go…

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Who deserves the credit for your successes? If you said, “I do,” you may be mostly right. We all must make our own choices and reap the results of those choices. However, I say you’re mostly right because no one succeeds in a vacuum. I believe that all successful people owe a debt of gratitude…

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Recently, another leader asked me about how he should go about sharpening his skills in the areas where he was naturally gifted. He had already done something that I consider really important: he had discovered his strengths. Now he was ready to focus his efforts at growth in those areas, so he could really improve…

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“The thankful receiver bears a plentiful harvest.” ~William Blake Here in the United States, tomorrow is Thanksgiving. For most of us, that means time with family, great food, and a chance to reflect on what we’re thankful for from the past year. When I look back on this year, I can’t help but be thankful…

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“Life is a one-way street. No matter how many detours you take, none of them leads back. And once you know and accept that, life becomes much simpler.”~ Isabel Moore Choices have consequences that stalk us like a shadow. The effects of decisions made early in life affect our wealth, relational health, and emotional wellbeing.…

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