The View from the Top of the Hill
Everything worthwhile is uphill. I’ve been saying that a lot lately. Because it’s a fact. Almost everything that has value, almost everything that has purpose, requires work on our part to attain it. We have to put in the effort to get what to where we want to go. Think about it – you want…
Read MoreCelebrating Your Freedoms
This past weekend, millions of Americans celebrated the 4th of July. The holiday, often referred to as America’s birthday, is usually filled with cookouts, fireworks and flags, all in the name of celebrating freedom. Because America is founded on the idea of freedom. Freedom is so ingrained in America’s DNA that it’s woven into our…
Read MoreTaking Your Leadership Out of the Office
Over the past few weeks, I’ve written to you about the concepts of leading up, leading across, and leading down. I hope you’ll explore the whole series, if you haven’t already. All of these ideas are explored in my book The 360° Leader, and I’ve been blown away by so many of the comments left…
Read MoreA Quick Checkup on Leading Down
An elderly man sat nervously on the bench in his doctor’s waiting room. A younger fellow came in and took a seat next to him, and couldn’t help but notice the older man’s poor posture. When the nurse called the old man back, the younger man noticed he stooped over, his legs shook, and he…
Read MoreLearning to Lead Your Peers
What would you do to win? Not too long after I graduated from college, I was invited back to my high school to play in an alumni basketball game. I was thrilled to be asked back, and as we were warming up before the game, I noticed that the player I’d been assigned to guard…
Read MoreFacing the Challenge of Leading Up
Imagine yourself inside a crowded movie theater. You’ve got your popcorn and soft drink, and you’ve settled into your seat to enjoy a new thriller. After the movie starts, you munch happily away as the story takes off and begins to build. Then, about halfway through the movie, the tension mounts. The main character keeps…
Read MoreBounce Back from Your Setback
Do you know any rubber-band people? Chances are you do. They’re the people who, no matter what happens to them, always seem to bounce back. They may experience an illness, a family tragedy, or a run of bad luck, but it never seems to keep them down. Life can stretch them to their breaking point,…
Read MoreThe Power of Sacrifice
Everything worthwhile is uphill. I’ve been saying this for a while now, but the more I think about it, the more I know it’s true. Whether you’re talking about personal growth, personal health, business or some other aspect of life, nothing of value is easy. The precious things in life require something in exchange. It…
Read MoreFour Questions to Ask Before Moving On
Have you ever felt like you were out of place? That where you are, isn’t where you’re supposed to be? I was talking with someone the other day, and he made a statement that really connected with me. He’s got a successful and fulfilling career. But that day he confessed that lately he’d had the…
Read MoreMoving Beyond the One-Man Show: Investing in the Right People
Last week I wrote in The Limits of a One-Man Show that a leader who doesn’t share his or her vision, influence, and momentum with others will see all three diminish over time. I learned that lesson at Hillham, and it’s one I’ve never forgotten. It is absolutely essential for any leader to find capable women…
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