There’s a secret to filling the pages of your life. It’s not hard to decipher, but sometimes it takes a little practice. Take me, for example. Back in 1976, I received a gift from Eileen Beavers, who was my assistant at that time. As I unwrapped it, I saw it was a book with the…

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Most teams don’t naturally get better on their own. Left alone, they don’t grow, improve, or reach championship caliber. Instead, they tend to wind down. The road to the next level is always uphill, and if a team isn’t intentionally fighting to move up, then it inevitably slides down. The team loses focus, gets out…

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Leadership Blind Spots Do you have any blind spots? …If you answered no, you now know where your blind spot is! Okay, I think most of us would acknowledge that we do possess blind spots. We assume there must be some areas where we “don’t know what we don’t know.” And we suppose that our…

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How do you create positive change? How do you help others do so? How do you help an entire nation embrace transformation? Just a few weeks ago, my team and I had an amazing opportunity to be part of a transformational movement with the goal of impacting an entire country. On August 31 and September…

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What direction is your boat moving at this point in 2015? And how many fellow travelers are you partnering with? Partnership in growth is so important. This is especially true for leadership growth. When we surround ourselves with others on the same journey, and seek to learn from great leaders ahead of us, we can…

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Can you believe September is here? Is your life speeding up as you enter the fall season? I know when my kids were young, September was an important month, since it meant the start of the new school year. It meant a new level of busyness and responsibility for the whole family. I think for…

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Culture seems to be the new emphasis for leaders these days. Five years ago if you would have brought up the subject, people would look at you blankly. Now, everyone recognizes its importance. Recently at a conference, I stated that I believe culture eats vision for lunch.  Afterward, someone asked me, “So does that mean…

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Today I’m excited about the release of my newest book, JumpStart Your Growth. Part of my “JumpStart” series, this book is designed to help anyone take small positive steps every day for 90 days, to experience real and lasting personal growth. As a reader of this blog, you are probably already an avid seeker of…

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A little over six weeks ago, I had the honor of participating in a monumental milestone for EQUIP, the non-profit organization I founded in 1996 to train and mobilize leaders worldwide. Our first training session on the Biblical principles of leadership was held in Kota, India, in 1997. Every year since then, our volunteer Associate…

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What’s the one thing all successful people have in common? Some would say it’s great ability or intelligence. But we all can probably think of someone who’s not particularly talented who’s doing quite well. Others would point to a privileged upbringing. In other words, a head start via training or opportunities that others didn’t have.…

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