Cultivating Creativity in Times of Crisis
Like everyone I know, I was horrified to learn of the tragic devastation that occurred in Nepal and the surrounding region when an earthquake struck. I lived in California for many years, where earthquakes were a fact of life. But I never experienced anything like the quake that hit that region last week. The destruction…
Read MoreHow Do You Become a Successful Failure?
“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” – Thomas A. Edison Nobody likes to fail. But if we’re honest, we understand that failure is a part of life. There is no success without some amount of failure. Great inventors like Thomas Edison experience a lot of failures on the way…
Read MoreBe a Belief Magnet
Have you ever really thought about the way a magnet works? To someone who doesn’t understand the science, a magnet’s power to attract things to it appears almost magical. Likewise, have you ever met a person who seems to attract people the way a magnet attracts metal? They believe in others, and they attract people…
Read MoreLeadership Lessons from Ruth
Last week, I shared an excerpt from my newest book, Wisdom from Women in the Bible. I’m so excited about this book, because it represents my heart for the Biblical principles of leadership. The excerpt was from the story of Ruth, a courageous and caring woman who made decisions that changed her life and the…
Read MoreWisdom from Women in the Bible
This week I’m excited about the release of my latest book, Wisdom from Women in the Bible. Like my two other Giants of the Bible books, it’s written in a narrative form, but it’s still filled with the things that I’ve learned from each featured Biblical character. This time, I focused on female leaders in…
Read More“You Are Here”
“If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?” Have you ever been asked that question? Most of us have. And what’s interesting is that I’ve never met a person who replied, “Nothing. I’m perfect just the way I am.” For most of us, it’s not a question of if we want…
Read MoreWalking with Giants
In 2010 I got the opportunity to speak at Joyce Meyer’s Love Life Women’s Conference. Joyce and I are good friends, and I’ve often appeared on her television show. On this day I chose to talk about how to live a fulfilling life, and about the importance of attitude. When I got up to speak,…
Read MoreGood Words on Communication
I love collecting good quotes. I’ve been doing so for over 40 years. One subject where I have literally dozens of wonderful quotes is communication. It’s one of my passions, so I pay close attention to what great communicators have to say on the subject. Here are just a few of my favorite quotes on…
Read MoreSometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn for Teens
When I decided to adapt my 2013 book Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn for a teen audience, I was excited about adding ideas and illustrations that teens would relate to. And it was a fun and insightful process. In the book, which releases this week, you can find stories about people like championship surfer…
Read MoreWhy Losses Hurt So Much
When I adapted Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn for Teens (February 24), I wanted to make it conversational in a way that would appeal to a teen or preteen. And I decided to make it more interactive, with sections for journaling and even Q and A with me. Here is another excerpt from the…
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