Choosing the Right Travel Companions
When flying coach class, it’s no fun being stuck for several hours behind a passenger carrying a yelping puppy or beside a family with crying, colicky twin babies. Nor do you want to end up next to someone who frequently heaves into the airsickness bag or who smells like they haven’t showered in several weeks.…
Read MoreThe number one reason why we don’t ask enough questions
Early in my career I didn’t ask many questions. I mistakenly believed that as a leader I should know the answers to everyone else’s questions. As a result, I adopted the ridiculous attitude of “fake it ’til you make it.” Unfortunately, that caused me to do a lot of faking but very little making. The…
Read MoreYou Only Get Answers to the Questions You Ask
When I first began teaching leadership, I spent nearly all my time giving lectures. Today, at almost every speaking gig, people want time to ask me questions about leadership, which I welcome. Not only do I enjoy sharing what I’ve learned, but answering questions also gives me an opportunity to speak from my heart. As…
Read MorePriorities Prevent Your Leadership from Crashing
Look both ways before crossing the street, check the rearview mirror before backing up, put your blinker on before turning—these simple matters of prioritization keep people safe on the roadways. Yet as rudimentary as they are, people still get them backward. According to the National Safety Council, one-fourth of automobile accidents are caused by drivers…
Read MoreAttitude – It’s a Choice!
As I shared in my last post, one of the teachings from John that has caused me to grow the most is How to be a REAL Success. Previously I wrote on Relationship principles that I’ve learned from John over my career working with him. Today I’ll share on the A in REAL – Attitude.…
Read MorePied Pipers or Team Leaders: What Do Influencers Look Like in Your Organization?
The ranks of leadership are teeming with pied pipers—charismatic leaders whose magnetic personalities and extraordinary abilities draw a following of admirers. However, the goal of leadership isn’t to attract an entourage who will boost your ego, but to develop a team of leaders who will advance the vision of your organization. To develop the leaders…
Read MoreTraveling to Infinity and Beyond Means Leaving Self-Centeredness Behind
Forty-five years ago, on July 20, 1969, astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin accomplished a feat considered impossible for much of human history. Escaping the gravitational pull of the earth, and soaring beyond its atmosphere, they were the first persons to set foot on the moon. Their successful mission was the crowning achievement of NASA’s…
Read MoreThe 10-80-10 Principle, Part Two: The Impact of the Final 10%
On Wednesday, I shared my favorite way to delegate. I explained the way I’m heavily involved on the front end of a project. During that time, I give my team five specific things (big picture, objectives, direction, resources/support, and responsibility) to set them up for success. Then I hand the next 80% of the work…
Read MoreThe 10-80-10 Principle: The Key to Maximizing Your Time and Effort
People ask me all the time how I get so much done. First, I tell them that a lot of it is thanks to my high energy mixed with low IQ. I just don’t know any better. But that’s not really the key to my success at achieving a variety of goals. The secret is…
Read MoreLook Out Below! Searching for a Better Way to Delegate
In the classic cartoon series created by Warner Bros., Wile E. Coyote is determined to catch the Road Runner and tirelessly chases after the fast-running, ground-bound bird. However, the coyote experiences a number of comical misfortunes that prevent him from cornering his prey. Perhaps the most common is that, just as the Road Runner finally…
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