What Do You Think of Me?
At The John Maxwell Company, we commonly refer to the idea of the 360 degree leader. John has helped people realize everyone is a leader because each of us has the opportunity to lead up, lead across and perhaps lead down. All month, we have been discussing the value of assessment. I want to take…
Read MoreRespect and Likeability: A Leader’s Balancing Act
To respect someone means to consider that person worthy of high regard or esteem. For a leader, respect is an absolutely crucial component of influence. Leading without respect is a little like trying to run in knee-deep mud…you tire quickly and go nowhere. Like most people, you have probably observed a boss or supervisor whose…
Read More3 Things Level 5 Leaders Do
“Reaching our potential sets an environment for others to reach theirs.”1 As leaders climb the ladder of the 5 Levels of Leadership, they pave the way for others to reach their potential. The process of building a new level upon the previous one showcases the steps by which others can follow. As high-level leaders reach…
Read MoreOn Turning a Loss into a Gain | Adapted from Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn (October 2013)
Last time I wrote about the pain of losing, and how it can affect us long-term if we allow it to. Today, let’s talk about the premise of my new book, coming out on October 8, 2013. I believe the concepts within it can help you see losing in a different way and respond so…
Read More4 Reasons Why Losses Hurt So Much
It’s about that time of year again: In just two short months, my new book, Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn, will be released. I can’t wait for this book to come out, because while winning is fun and easy, losing can be challenging. Yet how we deal with loss has a huge effect on…
Read MoreAssess Yourself: 3 Reminders When Evaluating Your Leadership
“True leadership cannot be awarded, appointed, or assigned. It comes only from influence.” 1 Influence can make or break the success of your ability to lead well and determine the direction of a company itself. However, we too often move through the motions without thinking about ways to increase in influence. Leadership is tough. Growing…
Read MoreThe 360 Degree Leader | John’s Review
To purchase copies of The 360 Degree Leader, CLICK HERE!
Read MoreSources of Self-Motivation
The best motivation is self-motivation. In fact, not many people succeed in life without self-generated drive. If you rely on others to energize you, or hesitate until the right mood hits, or delay until circumstances are ideal, then you’ll spend most of your life waiting. Leaders motivate themselves internally rather than depending on external incentives.…
Read MoreThe Myth of Motivation
Contrary to popular opinion, leaders cannot give motivation to anyone. As leaders, we would be foolish, and somewhat arrogant, to think we possess the power to bestow motivation upon another person. Actually, a reservoir of motivation already resides inside every person we meet. The real challenge for leaders is to tap into and channel that…
Read MoreLiving Out the Laws of Leadership
I’ve personally really enjoyed this month’s blog posts on The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. I’ve had the privilege of working with John Maxwell since 1998, the same year that he published the 21 Laws. While a lot has changed in 15 years, one of the things that I appreciate about the Laws of Leadership…
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