Developing your creativity – even if you're not sure it's within you.
One magazine I enjoy reading is Fast Company. And I recently came across an interview there with Teresa Amabile It’s from a few years ago, but it really got me thinking. Amabile heads the Entrepreneurial Management Unit at Harvard Business School. For eight years, she and her colleagues combed through a study they conducted on…
Read MoreStupid is as stupid does…
The reason I started blogging was to teach leadership and try to add value to you, my readers. But in today’s post I need to tell you something of a more personal nature. I’ve done a lot of stupid things in my life. Early in my marriage I would win arguments with my wife, Margaret,…
Read MoreYou're doing too much on your own.
I get asked all the time about my busy schedule, and how I find time to accomplish all the things that I do. When I answer that I delegate as much as I can, people nod in recognition. But I can tell that they’re not really satisfied with my answer. That’s because every leader “knows”…
Read MoreHow do you know if your dream is attainable?
I’ve been a proponent of positive thinking for as long as I can remember. I believe that to a large degree, if you expect positive things in life, you get them. And when you have to face something difficult, if you remain positive, you have a much better chance of getting through it. In spite…
Read MoreDon't Bankrupt Your Leadership!
“We need to keep some confidence in the system.What the Fed is doing … is taking every step possible to keep confidence in the financial system” (CNN) AIG chairman and CEO Edward Liddy said this Monday, after the insurance giant had received a pledge of $30 billion in bailout money. This was in addition to…
Read MoreLeadership off the legal pad
Welcome to the official weblog of John C. Maxwell. There’s nothing I like better than speaking and writing about leadership. And for over thirty years, I’ve shared what I know about leading and influencing others through conferences, speaking engagements, books, audio recordings, and articles. Much of my work has even ended up on the Internet…
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